Our Goals ☑️

Enabling anyone, regardless of technical expertise to:

  1. Understand the basics of corporate surveillance and manipulative advertising.
  2. Implement a few simple solutions to tackle the majority of the problem, with relative ease.
  3. Achieve the above, for free.

What’s Not Covered 🙅

  • Holistic online privacy - We cover the basics of corporate surveillance and targeted ads. It’s a good start, but it won’t make all of your online activities private. To take the next step, continue learning about Online Privacy🔗.
  • Online Anonymity and Secutiry - Anonymity and Security are not privacy. Learn more about these concepts here🔗

Stopping Surveillance Capitalism. ✋

Just because it’s complicated doesn’t mean you can’t do something about it.

Surveillance Capitalism🔗 is the widespread collection and commodification of personal data by corporations. In short, if you’re not paying for the product, you are the product. The data generated and stored about your online and offline behavior by corporations, is being used against you to shape your digital world to promote consumption. This can be done through Targeted Advertising🔗 or curated experiences (e.g. Google Searches that adapt to your previous searches) which create a Filter Bubble🔗 encouraging the user to consume more content, ads and ultimately paid products.

If this all sounds pretty bleak, it should. However, there’s some simple (and free) steps you can take to limit data collection, reduce manipulative ads and eliminate the incentive for surveillance capitalism.

What’s Next ⏭️

Making all this happen can be pretty overwhelming, but we’re here to walk you through it step-by-step. Here’s how to get started:

  1. Why Bother🔗: You’ll learn about why any of this matters and what you can do about it.
  2. Web Browser🔗: You’ll have a brand new browser to limit ads and tracking on the web.
  3. DNS🔗: You’ll set up a custom DNS to block ads and trackers on your mobile phone and smart devices.
  4. (Optional) VPN🔗: You’ll get a VPN to hide your location and internet traffic from advertisers.
  5. Continue learning about Online Privacy🔗: You’ve got this! Time to take your online privacy to the next level!