tl;dr ☑️

(too long; didn’t read - It’s a Summary)

  • Reduce or eliminate manipulative ads.
  • Manage your data footprint.
  • Protect yourself, family, friends from scams.

Why Bother? 🤷

Almost every website and app you use, collects data about you.

Imagine having a professional stalker that knows everything you do on your phone, where you live / work and who you communicate with. Then imagine this stalker used all this information to intercept you at your weakest moment and provide a “solution to all your problems” in exchange for more data, or your hard earned money. This is literally the business model of the world’s most influential media/advertising companies (Meta, Google) and many other lesser known data brokers.

➡️ Click This Link🔗 to find out about just a few of the advertizers and data brokers that may be tracking your right now.

This website offers a collection of free and simple solutions, that anyone can implement to manage their data footprint and reduce manipulative advertising.

Benefits? 🎁

  • Reduce or eliminate ads: The end goal of most corporate data collection, is serving targeted ads and experiences. Eliminating the source of ad revenue reduces the incentive for corporate surveillance.
  • Manage your data footprint: Data collected by advertisers and data brokers is frequently packaged and resold to other companies for sales or advertising purposes. Having your behavioral profile in less places helps limit the potential for future misuse, abuse and leaks.
  • Protect yourself, family, friends from scams: Not all data collection is explicitly for nefarious purposes but not all advertisers are selling quality products. Children and elders are particularly vulnerable to scam products and services.

What’s Next ⏭️

Making all this happen can be pretty overwhelming, but we’re here to walk you through it step-by-step. Here’s how to get started:

  1. Web Browser🔗: You’ll have a brand new browser to limit ads and tracking on the web.
  2. DNS🔗: You’ll set up a custom DNS to block ads and trackers on your mobile phone and smart devices.
  3. (Optional) VPN🔗: You’ll get a VPN to hide your location and internet traffic from advertisers.